I'm a passionate UI/ UX Designer and Full Stack Developer based in India. Web development has transformed from a spark of interest to an all out passion and an area that I want to master.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from School of Engineering, CUSAT, India. My aspiration has always been to collaborate and thrive within a dynamic team of passionate and like-minded creatives. I am eager to contribute my skills and dedication to projects that challenge and inspire, fostering both personal and collective growth.
Being a developer has given me the ability to craft digital things that not only look cool and interesting but that can be moved and interacted with. Enabling me to give great design life in a sense.
Enhanced the accessibility of the main Victoria's Secret website, leading to a 10% increase in retention among users with disabilities.
Implemented the "Keep me signed in" feature, resulting in a $13.6 million annualized impact
Integrated an OTP-based authentication system, resulting in a $12.6 million impact, a 27% increase in sign-ins, an 84% reduction in forgot password support requests, approximately 4x more account creations, and over 50% of users preferring OTP over passwords.
Designed and developed the entire websites for GitHub India (githubindia.com) and GitHub Brasil (githubbrasil.com), serving as key hubs for over 10 million developers in India and 3 million+ developers in Brazil, respectively, to access GitHub's activities and resources.
Led the design and development of the GitHub Constellation India 2024 website (githubconstellation.com), supporting India's largest opensource developer conference where GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke delivered the keynote address.
Created internal tools that streamlined operations, reducing manual tasks for Hubbers by 5%.
ReactJSNextJSTypeScriptJavaScriptTailwindCSSPrimer StylesJekyllRubyRspecFigmaAzureGitGitHub API
Responsible for creating the whole frontend of theirlatest SaaS product SuiteJar from a design.
Converted multiple web pages to WordPress websites, resulting in a 25% increase in website manageability and a 20% reduction in maintenance costs for GrowthCX and its clients.